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Find A Program That Suits Your Goals!

Mind Body Alignment 1:1 Mentorship

You are here because…

  • You are ready to accept who you are and what you want to do…what you are MEANT to do.

  • You are ready to follow your life's mission and bring it to the world.

  • You are eager to take action and move forward to fulfilling your dreams.

  • You are ready to create a healthier lifestyle.

We’ve created several types of mentorship programs to best align with your individual needs and goals. Be aligned with your purpose. Uncover and get clear around your negative beliefs and thought patterns that have been holding you back from moving forward with your life and business. Reconnect with your inner most desires to create a life on your terms.

Holistic personal mentoring includes a
synergy of inner and outer work:

  • Mindset Mentoring Online. Includes focusing on your thoughts and beliefs about yourself and how you see the world so you can then become mindful and how to change and let go those that no longer serves you or aligns to your heart. Connection to the personal value and beliefs. Have exclusive access to empowering online programs.

  • Mindfulness Practice. Development of rituals to bring in more space for personal growth (both in life and business.) Includes practical exercises and meditation to raise your vibration. Connecting the masculine and feminine energy. Connecting the head, heart and body. Developing mindset shifts needed to bring abundance in your business. Includes 1:1 Mentoring sessions.

  • Mind Body Alignment Therapies. to encourage you to show up in true alignment with who you truly are, energetically refreshed to physically be in top condition for the duration of your business and daily life. Happy Body Happy Mind.. Have exclusive access to holistic organic products to strengthen your mind body. Includes 1:1 Wellness Consultation.

  • Fit and Healthy Body. we discuss your weight management, fitness resources, healthy eating and much more. Access to exclusive to Kerry's online Fitness program, resources and 1:1 Mentoring sessions.

  • Beginners Restorative Yoga and Meditation: Take your practice to another level safely training within your home. Access a series of master video classes and resources to print out. 

Book at South West Rocks NSW


Mindset Mentoring

Coming Soon

Sitting on a Bench

Mindfulness Practice

Coming Soon

Yoga Class

Fit Body & Healthy Body

Coming soon

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